Laura Zarina
As a violin teacher, Laura Zarina guides her students with profound love and dedication to music. Her core values include respect for each individual student and belief in the unique abilities and potential of every personality.
Zarinas teaching approach combines the most valuable techniques from Eastern and Western Schools, as she herself started violin playing in the russian educational system and continued with studies and various inputs in Germany and USA.
Zarina believes that music education is a journey, not a destination, and actively promotes the development of her students as both artists and individuals. With meticulous attention to detail and excellence, Zarina ensures that her students not only learn to play the violin but also gain valuable life lessons about passion, perseverance, and self-confidence.
Especially important for Zarina is to impart the understanding that playing a musical instrument is a holistic experience involving the entire body and mind. Her specialty lies in helping students overcome physical and mental tensions, enabling them to play with freedom and confidence.

Auf ihrer Debut- Echoes of Latvia - präsentiert Laura Zarina Komponistinnen ihres Heimatlandes Lettland - mit vielen Ersteinspielungen und inspiriert durch die Literatur ihrer Muttersprache.
Die CD erscheint am 4. April 2025.